This powerful antioxidant supports mitochondrial function and generates energy. In the body, 95% of our CoQ10 is in the active ubiquinol form. But as we age, the amount of this critical substance declines. Natural Factors Ubiquinol is the active form of CoQ10 with superior solubility and absorption rates.
Unlike conventional CoQ10, Ubiquinol is also a very powerful antioxidant thanks to its extra electrons. Those electrons hold the key to neutralizing substances called free radicals. This protection is crucial as excessive oxygen molecules, commonly known as free radicals or reactive oxygen species, disrupt healthy cells in the body and, if unchecked, can lead to cellular damage and ultimately cell death. In short, Ubiquinol helps neutralize and protect the body from these potentially harmful molecules.
Free radicals are harmful because they are constantly looking to steal electrons wherever they may be found, including DNA, proteins and lipids. Removing an electron oxidizes the molecule (known as oxidative stress) and can cause damage that impacts our health.
The Ubiquinol form of CoQ10 doesn’t mind giving up an electron to neutralize a free radical that might have otherwise caused cellular damage or oxidative stress.
What’s more, Ubiquinol is one of the few antioxidants that work both in the fatty parts of our body (such as cell membranes and LDL cholesterol) and also in the mitochondria where energy is manufactured. Like car engines produce exhaust, the mitochondria have their own form of exhaust filled with free radicals.
Ubiquinol is the form of CoQ10 capable of protecting the mitochondria and their lipid membranes from free radical attack. Ubiquinol plays an important role in supporting healthy mitochondrial function.
Ubiquinol 100mg
Ubiquinol is one of the most powerful known antioxidants, defending cells from the potentially harmful overaccumulation of free radicals and oxidative stress. Free radicals are created when the body converts food into energy. They can damage cells, protein, DNA.